In this blog I will provide detail step for setting up sample SOA code provided in install image file under SOA zip file. Below steps is for Java SOA sample code.
1. Unzip from install image to TC_ROOT directory. It will create soa_client folder under TC_ROOT.
2. Install Eclipse 3.6 and launch
3. Add ClassPath variable for the root location of the soa_client folder.
Open the Preferences dialog of eclipes (Window --> Preferences ... ).
Select the ClassPath Variable tab ( Java --> Build Path --> ClassPath Variables).
Add the variable 'TEAMCENTER_SERVICES_HOME', set it to the root path of the 'soa_client' folder
4. Import the project
Open the Import dialog ( File --> Import... )
Select Existing Project into Workspace (General --> Existing Projects into Workspace )
Click Next, then browse to .../soa_client/java/sample, select Finish
Note:- While importing FileManagement sample, FMS_HOME need to be added just like TEAMCENTER_SERVICES_HOME
5. Compile the project
If the IDE is not configured to Build Automatically, force a build of the project
6. Execute the client application
Open the Debug/Run dialog ( Run --> Debug ...)
Select the HelloTeamcenter Java Application
The launch is configured to connect to the server on http://localhost:7001/tc to change this URI on the Args tab.
If the connection is http, ensure its pointing out to the right URI and this can be checked through Run->Debug Configurations-> Arguments
If it the connection is through iiop, it should be set as follows
Note:- Only Java and C++ bindings work in 2-tier mode.
7. Go through the files to understand how the services are being called and can be used in the custom solution. Refer my OOTB SOA Service Blog for basic understanding of sample code.